Call me Myst! I'm 22, and I go by he/him. I adore drawing and writing, but I also have interests in palaeontology, marine biology, and psychology!I have some social anxiety, and it can sometimes get in the way of me interacting with people, but I try my best to overcome it and talk to as many new folks as I can!Discord is the easiest way to contact me!


With Parthos, I'm looking for any type of RP! I prefer slice-of-life and casual things for him, but he can 100% get into dangerous adventuring shenanigans; I have very few triggers and can handle pretty much any content. He works as a bodyguard, so situations where he might be hired or has a chance to get hired are the easiest ways to meet him.I am NOT looking for any romance for him; he's dedicated to his husband and not interested in dating anyone else. He likes to look at other men, but he doesn't actually flirt.
Any romances he gets up to that aren't with his husband would be considered an alternate universe unless otherwise stated.


FULL NAMEParthos Taban
EYE COLORPurple & Cyan


Born and raised a Taban, Parthos has placed a heavy value on speaking the truth- and exclusively the truth. He only speaks if he is fully confident that what he says is 100% true, much to the detriment of everyone trying to hold a casual conversation with him. Despite this, he still loves to socialize with others, and is about as outgoing as can be. He's also quite the hopeless romantic, and although he's settled down now, he has a habit of developing crushes on others alarmingly quickly. He rarely acts on this, however.As a result of past experiences, Parthos can be rather anxious. He does his best not to show it, but spending extended periods of time around him can expose that a lot of his life is spent on his toes. Despite this, he puts a lot of faith in others, even those he's just met; Parthos holds strong that people are inherently truthful- and his heart breaks every single time he's proven wrong.


He has recently started working for House Bellaire's community centre as a head of security.Parthos is an honest man, and he prides himself in being such. Being a Taban, the truth is the only thing he was raised to speak, and thus it's an important part of his life. To him, all lies are evil, and there is no such thing as a good or even morally dubious lie.Other than his adherance to truthfulness, Parthos is passionate about cooking, cats, and protecting the innocent. He makes a living as a bodyguard, originally living and working in Ul'dah before having recently moved to Ishgard with his husband, Richard. His hiring prices are cheap, and it's quite easy to sway him into lowering them further- especially if you're sweet.For as cheerful and friendly as he is, Parthos fears judgement from others over the state of his body. His scars are the least of his problems compared to his sharp horns and the prickly scales that cover the entirety of both of his forearms. He's hurt enough people with his scales and claws to know that he's dangerous, and he's scared enough people to know that it's indimidating, so he does his best to hide his 'monstrousness' by wearing long gloves and not showing much skin.

If you would like more information on the Taban tribe, please look at my Taban lore Google slides presentation!

RP Hooks

BODYGUARD FOR HIRE — Although now hired by the Bellaire estate, Parthos still occasionally works around Eorzea as a freelance bodyguard. He's willing to work pretty much anywhere for almost any reason. He often lowers his already low prices for those he thinks are nice or cute, so he's typically easy to get ahold of.CRAFTSMAN — While not professional, Parthos does pride himself in his abilities as a seamster. He enjoys spending time around the Ul'dahn weaver's guild, as well as taking occasional visits to the Limsan culinarians' guild due to his love of cooking.DARK KNIGHT — Although commonly seen wielding a lance, a weapon atypical of the trade, Parthos is somewhat accidentally versed in Dark Knight magic. He doesn't flaunt it, and he only uses it when absolute necessary, but any practiced in the art would be able to tell he knows it.BAR FREQUENTER — Even though he doesn't tend to drink alcohol, Parthos loves to visit bars, clubs, and other venues to people-watch and potentially have a quick conversation. He might not be the most talkative in the world, but he does love to meet folks.